Thursday, October 4, 2007

An Introduction

Welcome to Magnifiers! My name is Yoshinori Sasao, and I will be your host.

Inevitably, as a human, I am a music fan (and thus, inevitably, so are you). I love music, and I especially love to think about music (I acknowledge my analytic tendencies). I draw upon a bit of music theory knowledge, a smidgen of instrumental experience, and many, many hours of listening. These are my tools, my arsenal of analysis. I love to construct systems, to decode patterns across disparate grounds. Magnifiers is where I will post these systems and patterns and my thoughts on them. With my enthusiasm and my empirical eye, I stake out a new territory in music criticism.

But really, producing this blog will be a pleasure, pure and simple: the pleasure of unfettered and uninhibited self-expression. Honestly, I've waited too long to try my hand at this, out of paralyzing self-consciousness and infinite, perfectionist self-editing. This blog will be driven by directness, exuberance and enthusiasm(!!!). After all, however inscrutable and obscure these systems might get, they are systems constructed out of joy, the joy of listening, a joy I am happy to now share with you.



  1. "this will be my Torah" said Chen, from his Ipod touch in San Francisco.

  2. Sounds promising!!!!

  3. sweeet potato pie!

  4. hey there. i like the way you talk. maybe we can talk on the phone sometime.. if youll give me your number? ;)

    pahah sorry. but really, i cant call your cell phone cause its too expensive to call mobile phones with phone cards. so is there a ground line i can reach you on? or you dont have one? if so then you need to tell me when youre home so i can call at the right time. and this blog looks awesome. goood ideaaa. love you choshi!!!!

  5. looking forward to it.
    good music is hard to come by in guatemala. they thrive on reggaetone and mayan cultural music. :(
    be well my friend.

  6. yes! blogger is where free expression is at. Looking forward to reading more, I will rss this.

  7. this will replace my reading of the news, which until now was non-existant
